the Greenhouse effect 5

The oil companies knew about the risk of global warming much earlier than us

The oil companies knew about the risk of global warming much earlier than us

People are worried about global warming much earlier than previously thought recently you might have noticed that without scientists ' warnings about the inevitability of global warming, not a day goes by. The temperature on our p...


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Trees emit greenhouse gases can accelerate global warming

Trees emit greenhouse gases can accelerate global warming

According to science, our planet, there are about 60,000 species of trees. According to the Australian analytical center Breakthrough, global warming may destroy humanity . Some conservationists firmly believe that slow the rate o...


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Greenhouse gases can be used as a liquid fuel

Greenhouse gases can be used as a liquid fuel

whether environmentally friendly fuel to completely replace traditional energy sources? the climate change Issue haunts mankind since the beginning of the industrial revolution, when anthropogenic impact became radically transform...


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As the bacterium turns greenhouse gases into useful products?

As the bacterium turns greenhouse gases into useful products?

E. coli can help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the Earth's atmosphere the So-called “greenhouse effect” plays a big role on our planet. The greenhouse gases included in the composition of Earth's atmosphere, almost not a...


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Discovered new types of bacteria that feed on greenhouse gases

Discovered new types of bacteria that feed on greenhouse gases

American scientists from the University of Texas at Austin found at the bottom of the Gulf of California colonies of bacteria, which can help us in the fight against sea pollution and increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the a...


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